Think about how many times a day you use your kitchen sink or faucet. Between filling up water bottles, washing dishes, rinsing off food while preparing a meal, and many other uses, it’s important that your sink and faucet are working properly at all times. K2 Plumbing offers the best local services for kitchen plumbing, including:
Nothing seems to be more annoying than a drain that’s always getting clogged. Before you dump a bottle of chemicals down the drain down your kitchen sink, consider another alternative to drain cleaning. Install a garbage disposal, and you'll never have to worry about old, moldy food accumulating in your drains.
If you already have a garbage disposal, then you know how much of a time saver it is. If your garbage disposal isn't working correctly or making strange sounds, you may need it repaired. The plumbers at K2 plumbing offer expert services for both garbage disposal replacement and repair. Give us a call for a free estimate.